there'll always be something
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
new blog
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
'can you hear my heart?'

- cowo kaya (Cha Dong Joo) yang kehilangan pendengarannya (aka jadi tuli) karena suatu kecelakaan tragis ketika dia masih kecil;
- cewe kelas menengah (Bong Woo Ri) ke bawah yang punya mama yang tuli plus
bisu (yang kemudian meninggal gara-gara peristiwa kebakaran yang juga tragis) dan papa yang agak terbelakang; - dan cowo yang sebenarnya kakak tiri (Jang Joon Ha) dari cewe yang disebut diatas tapi dia kabur sejak peristiwa kebakaran yang tragis itu.

- bokap si cewe yang terbelakang;
- nenek yang alzheimer;
- teman satu kampung si nenek dan bokap (dan mereka tinggal bareng);
- bokap tiri, nyokap dan kakek si cowo kaya dll.
'Gw emang ga bisa denger pake telinga gw, tapi gw bisa ngedenger lewat mata gw, gimana cara mata dan bibir seseorang gerak. Dan apa yang gw denger lewat mata ga cuma lewat gitu aja, tapi apa yang gw denger dirasain sama hati gw.'
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
one of those sleepless nights
- sometimes it can be so frustrating (considering if you need to be fit early in the morning for exams or work or maybe something else and 'this' night is not the right time for not sleeping at all, but altogether it is the reason why you can't sleep) and
- sometimes it can be simply tiring but okay (considering that you are not so busy and left with no schedule at all in the following day and anyways the sleepless nights always come every now and then).
- Hmm.. Firstly, I, myself, of course try to sleep by closing my eyes because before the 'sleeping time' of mine, I usually do some simple routines (such as brush my teeth, wash my face / take a shower, close all of the electronic devices except my phone, etc. etc.) and sure enough, I don't want to ruin my own effort to sleep.
- When closing my eyes seems too useless to do (remembering that I can't actually shut down my thoughts), I would toss and turn in bed. Well.., sometimes till I'm sick of it.
- And then, I would turn on some music from my phone.
- When it's not soothing enough, I would then scoop up my phone and start browsing something. I normally start with Twitter (looking for some worth of quotes or news from my beloved friends) and then Reuters (looking for news from worldwide). I used to play games too, but remembering that I used to lose in those phone games or any other games, it really is not my way to spend my precious sleepless night time.
- Of course, at some points, I would realise (and sometime annoyed by) the ticking voice from my clock
- and then when it feels like endless (your eyes is swollen and tired, your head feels like bursting open, but you still can't sleep although you want it most), the dawn would start to break (it's only in terms of summer; in terms of winter, I could say that it's almost of waste to wait for the breaking dawn). From that point, it's whether you really can't lie down on bed anymore, start to get up and do something or you start to doze off.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
What do I dislike about Berlin? The wind.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Britzer Garten

You can find as many green places as you want in Berlin. One of them is Britzer Garten. It is located on the south side of the capital city of Germany and with an entry priceof 3 EUR (for adult), one could enjoy the landscape of 90 hectares which is full of meadow, flowers, trees and other green things.

I went there today with some friends (Sat, 14/05/11). The day was a little bit cloudy at first (around 11 o'clock), but then it turned out quite sunny. Lucky that the rain did not pour down till the end of ourtrip.
There was supposed to be some sort of tulips to look at. Unfortunately, the 'Tulipan im Britzer Garten' only lasted from 15 April until 14 May 2011. And that's why, we could only see some still-good-to-look-at tulips and the rest was shriveled tulips.
But of course, there are another things to see, such as 'Zauberblüten im Rhododendronhain' (Zauberblüten in English??!), which was just started today.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
masa reformasi, perjuangan, bangsa Indonesia n blabla
illuminati, freemason, satanic n blabla
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
1 tahun 1 bulan 1 hari
pas kita manjat gunung, kita bisa ngeliat puncaknya, tapi pas kita udah di puncak, kita ga bisa ngeliat puncaknya (kira2 bgitulah ya =P).
i miss my sis n my bro n my calvin n my will n my sung2 n my snty.
ketika ngerjain sesuatu yang kita suka, kita bakal bahagia ngejalaninnya.