Monday, October 13, 2008

Being Spotted

(just feel like using English.. =P)

Well.., this one month is being damnly tough for me. All because the spots that scattered all over my body literally. It's not like I want to whining or somewhat like that but yeah, I just need to.

To think over it, I'm tired of all this. It drives me crazy.

When it first came to be a 'part' of my body, I thought that it was just okay. I mean, who is the one who never got any spot like that in this entire world? It's just a spot anyway.

And then, when it started to be in 'all parts' of my body, it felt like embarrased. Well, who is the one in this world who ever got any spot like that this much just like mine? No one came to my thought for I have never thought that someone could actually got this much spot.

I know that there are some people that got something more horrible than mine but it's just never came to me that will got something as terribly horrible as this is.

I used to be someone unspotted. Either scratch or bruise, rarely even got their place in my body and now there're spots everywhere.

Even though I'm not a crying type but it already made me crying a lot. These days, it feels like crying and crying for these damn spots haven't thinking of letting me go. And it feels like laughing and laughing for me can't resist the feeling of laugh at myself.

One thing that I know is that I'm tired of this and that no one, either my family or my friends, do know about my feeling. Anyway, they're not the one that got these spots.


Anonymous said...

happy nanny...
jgn terlalu depresi...
emang gtu2 butuh proses..
berbesar hati lah..
lg pula g yakin pasti lu sembuh..
bakal mulus...
makin di bawa stress bakal makin banyak yg timbul lg...
i know it's hard..but, mungkin aja itu cobaan yang hrs dilewati...
klo mo nangis, g slalu ada di samping lu kok..
lu sedih bakal g hibur, lu ketawa bakal g isengin...hoho..
ma'ap jd ga nyambung gto...
evrytime u need me..
i'll be there 4 u...^^
ok beibeehh...
cyA @ skul yo sis'...

mizz ya...


Anonymous said...

gue doain semoga kamu cepat sembuh ya... meskipun kayaknya uda sembuh deh sekarang ini??
pokoknya tetap ceria yach, keep smiling!

Anonymous said...

spot itu apaan yak?