Friday, February 13, 2009

life as we live it

Just now, gw msn-an ma my sis n somehow, gw dapet beberapa quotes:

  • Firstly,

"(hidup) emang lewat gtu aj.. n it's ur task to make it not to just flow by"

Pas itu, dy lagi ngebahas tentang hidup yang kayaknya kok ngebosenin banget. Berlalu terlalu cepat. Hari lewat hari. Just like that. 

Gw juga pernah ngerasa kayak gitu. Sekolah ya sekolah. Makan ya makan. Bangun ya bangun. That's it. Period. Not more.

Tapi, somehow, i discovered that life as we want is not going to just popped out. We need to explore it ourselves and make something that we want happen. It's all about us. Not the life itself. Not our surroundings. Not else but us.

Hidup itu pada dasarnya ya emang gitu aja. Lahir trus mati. Not more (isn't it?). Jadi, klo mau bikin life becomes something more, do it yourself, no one is doing that for you.

  • Secondly,

"bosen dateng n pegi.. n momen2 lainnya juga gtu.. nothing lasts forever"

Kayak biasa, tiap orang bosen. Tiap orang seneng. Tiap orang sedih. Tiap orang ngerasain berjuta momen lainnya. Dan satu hal yang pasti yaitu bahwa tiap momen itu ga berlangsung terus menerus. There's a moment for everything. That's why we call it moments.

Ga ada yang berlangsung terus menerus. Perubahan adalah sesuatu yang terjadi terus menerus, entah cepet ato lambat, sadar ato ga sadar. Nothing lasts forever.

There's up and down. All of it is about how you manage it. How to manage bosen itu supaya ga dateng terlalu lama, how to manage sedih itu supaya ga bikin lu seakan-akan ga mampu berdiri lagi, how to manage seneng itu supaya ga berlebihan sampe orang lain muak sama diri kita sendiri, how to manage etc.

In conclusion,

It's your task to make your life meaningful.

It's all about 'heart'ing everything you do in your life.

It's about want or want not to.

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